Wednesday 5 August 2015

I have a real job- Week three

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*** For those of you new to this blog ...Hi I am Lauren mother of four, blogger, personal trainer, life coach and you tuber. This blog started out as a response to a person telling me to 'get a real job' and has become a chronicle of my glorious journey towards making my dreams happen. I speak about my family, my career, and chat about a little bit of life hacking along the way. Thank you so much for reading.

Do you ever find at times that life just whooshes straight past like a freight train leaving you reeling and some what dishevelled? 
Do you you feel that your mind overflows with exciting ideas and plans? 
Does the sensation of having purpose make you feel incredibly alive..almost tingling with anticipation?  ‘Phew’ I say, as I pause to wipe my proverbial brow.  Since we last spoke I have been flat out like a lizard drinking. And you know what? ( I say with my hands resting upon my hips) As fast and furious as life is feels good ...really good to be engaged in activities which hold meaning for me. I am starting to feel like ‘me’ again. I am feeling alive, vital, and engaged; The kind of ‘alive’ which makes me  feel like I can truly sit in the present because now I know here I am going. And I know where I am going because I know who I am. And it is this sense of authentic self which allows me to be fully present in each delicious moment

(I pause to sip my tea)Oh I am sorry, how rude of me...I just started rabbiting on about myself without asking how you are?  Well how has your week been? Have you been busy? What have you been up to? Are you feeling engaged with life? I do so appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly blog and to listen to my journey. It is so lovely sharing with you. Please send me comments so that I may share in your journey.

‘Doing stuff’ can really impact our happiness.

Do you find that having stuff to do lifts your spirit? You know... that amazing moment when you lose the fear of doing ‘the stuff’ which really matters rather than treading water with the stuff which pleases others? Have you ever had a moment like that? A moment when you feel like it is time to jump off the cliff and see if you can actually fly?  Martin Seligman, the happiness theorist( one of my all time favourites), says that when we are ‘in the flow’ or caught in the moment of doing something we love we are often at our most happiest. Do you agree with Martin? How do you feel when you are doing something which you love? Well I love interacting with my viewers with purpose and engagement. I love to be involved in a conversation or forum about well being. I love being part of something bigger; a communal conversation of like minded minds if you will. all collaborating to achieve a greater good and by greater good that may not necessarily mean solving world poverty( immediately any way) A greater good can be achieved with little baby steps. For example like helping someone to just feel a little less anxious, a little fitter, or just listen to their story and lend them a shoulder.

My beautiful daughter Sage

My RemarkableMe program...

Whoo hooo My RemarkableMe program is launching in just days from now; Monday the 13th of August to be precise. The RemarkabeMe online body change program is almost full( 2 spots left get in quick) . I simply cannot wait to interact with the team and guide and brainstorm behavioural change methods in order to help all of you change your body. It is going to be just awesome. The course goes for 30 days and focuses upon achieving body goals through food planning with a focus upon cognitive change. I have so many ideas and strategies to help my team achieve their goals. I have been so incredibly lucky to be assisted by the amazing fitness gurus Anita Hearn and Andrew Thomson. Anita and Andrew will co-coach the team with me and help the team along their journey. Anita is awesome with clever hints for food preparation and snacks and has years of experience as a successful natural body builder. And Andrew has been a competitor in natural building, and a personal trainer. I chatted to some of the people who inquired through skype so I had the wonderful opportunity of speaking to a bunch of awesome people about their needs and goals from all around the world. How cool is that! It is fascinating how diet and food planning varies so much from country to country. I realise that i really enjoyed this interaction with my viewers. It was like a meet up with old friends. I have made a commitment to myself that I would like to get to know my core viewers so that we can develop a communal feel and keep my programs relevant through responding to requests and forum feedback.
Anita Hearn wow

And how is my book going?

I am waiting upon wonderful generous Patreon( I am so grateful) funding which will still need to grow a bit( maybe $2000 aud) to complete the final editing , formatting, and cover page stage...but I feel confident...and determined. I know in my heart that it will work out. I have worked hard on this book and really believe in it. As you know  it is a workbook which has so much to offer with user friendly strategies to increase a sense contentment and purpose and clarity. For now I will try to be patient and wait.

And my podcast ?

I am hoping to start recording next week in order to load to Itunes the following week. I have some great interviews already lined up which is awesome...the awesome Tara Thomas....the wise Anita Hearn, the legendary Dmitri of Massage ASMR...really beautiful amazing clever caring captivating people - it will be fascinating.

A big fat juicy hug and jumping up and down thank you to dear George Guzman

The incredibly kind and supportive George from my Patreon team sent me a black go pro. I am so excited. For the moment my children ask daily for me to open it. I would like to set aside 8 hours so that I may open it and learn to use it all at once. Every day my dear daughter Maya walks eagerly into my bedroom, which doubles as an office, and asks to use my black go Pro. I will be doing an unboxing over the next few days. Cant wait to share with you...Please share in this incredible experience with me.

And if I could have done one thing differently this week what would it be?

Actually this week has been a great week but I still think that i worry too much and still don't believe in myself 100% or rather I have moments of self doubt...and this lack of belief at times can steal time from my life( such a dismal waste). At times I can worry that a project will not work out whereas they almost always work out. Really I  should just relax and believe. My family would also benefit from me having a great sense of self belief. I will work on this on the coming week and get back to you.

So...your turn now... what would be one thing you would do differently this week...and why? I am all ears.
Andrew Thomson yay

So what goals have you set for yourself for the coming week?

If you have read or watched much of my stuff you will know that I am ‘goal obsessed’. I just love to set, plan, and neatly tick off goals. Do you set goals? Do you organise yourself to achieve tasks and objectives which support your greater goals? I use google tasks, iphone notes, and workflowy In order to keep me on track. Why is it important for me to set goals as a mum? I find that this goal setting is really important as a time poor multi tasking working mum with kids. I find that no matter how much i plan the kids keep upending my goals through illness, extra curricular activities, or the need to have a long hard life hacking chat late at night( when i am so tired). I find that I need to have a clear focus and prioritise may way through the jungle of daily responsibilities which i have. In this way i don't get caught up in one task but keep that balance between enjoying the moment and keeping my eye on the ball.

My goal for the next week is to get my RemarkableMe course started and firing on all cylinders and to train harder towards my body building competition in 6 weeks. I am going to work hard on preparing all my meals 24 hours in advance. I am just seriously loving my work outs at the moment.

I am also going to record my first podcast within the next week...

and I am going to take my daughters sage and Maya out for a hot chocolate at Starbucks and buy her an Ishka necklace as a special girls day out.

Life is good

Ah yes i sigh happily( I finish my cup of tea)Life is all coming together. I think the real key to my happiness is in appreciating the present through knowing who i am and accepting myself. I also believe that an essential part of knowing ourself requires us to let others have their story. that means don't take on the opinions judgment or conjecture of others; thats their stuff their baggage their stuff not ours. lets not waste life by making their story our story. We have the power to write our own story so whats stopping us? One thing
We are so blessed- I remind myself to feel grateful

and finally on a sad note

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to a beautiful kind intelligent professional caring listening wise friend +Rafael De Haan. Today as i finally prepared my blog for publishing I have heard today that my dear friend Rafael de Haan the 'big soft rooster' has died following illness( heart attack).   So sad. So very sad. It is so important to appreciate and enjoy the company of a special soul at the time at which they shine their compassionate light...This special and giving kind man has supported me emotionally and as a good friend for several years. He has donated to my Patreon he has written me many many many emails, commented on my you tube videos, and made many wise suggestions regarding my artistic and business endeavours. I have always enjoyed his letters, his wit, and his ever ready empathy. Dear Rafael I am truly blessed to have had your wise soul light up my life for this time. I thank God for bringing you into my life. Rafael I love you so much. You were such a rock to me. much always wrote to inspire me..despite your pain and occasional personal health struggles..As I type it has started to rain outside...I used to write to you and describe the view through my window to you...especially the loved to hear about the rain....and now somehow it has started is raining now...tears.

So until next week...

My dear friends Love to you all, Train hard, meditate regularly, hug your loved ones, and maintain boundaries when required. xxx Booyah to you! (as my sons Max and Seth would say as they uppercut the air).

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